The Way
The Truth,
The Life...
If per chance you are reading this and have not yet come to terms with the God of Christianity, we trust now is the time for you to do just that. What could be more desirous than a personal relationship with 'The One' who created you and who formed you in your mother's womb. This same God, His word tells us, recorded every day of your life before you lived it. And this same God who is living, alive and personal wants you to experience your eternal inheritance, with Him, beginning now. God wants to walk and talk with you in the present tense. He can and will make sense out of your life (if you give him the opportunity) for He gives life purpose and meaning.
He is for you, not against you, and His love is not conditional like man's.
If you have not believed Jesus is God and that he came to earth and died for what we often call shortcomings, but He calls sins, then you are not yet a Christian. If you believe you will have life after death with the God who created you without accepting Jesus Christ you are mistaken, His word says.
The word of God clearly states in order to have fellowship with God the Father you must accept Jesus as the way to him. This is/was God's own plan, not any mans. Just ask Him.
The voices of other gods and religions say this is not so.
But whose report will you believe?
If you truly don't know what to believe ask the God of Christianity to reveal His truth to you. If you are open to 'what is the truth'...not yours, your friends, or anyone else's idea of truth... He will be faithful to respond. God is both faithful and true.
He stands at your hear- door knocking. Are you ready to be open? He came for all. He died for you and me.
No One but Jesus Christ Can Claim This Truth
Accepting Jesus as your God (the one who died on the cross 2000 years ago for you) is simple. In your own words talk to Jesus, who is God and who came in the form of a human being so we could relate to him. Thank him for mediating and taking your punishment for the separation that sin has caused between God and man. Tell him you believe he is God, and you need and want him to be a part of your life.
It is by a deliberate act of faith that one is saved or born again. There is no formula and absolutely there are no special words to say. Be yourself honestly. God is love and with your acceptance of Him there now is perfect peace between you and God resulting in salvation.
Today, right now is as good a time as ever to commit your life to Jesus. You won't be disappointed: This is the truth. Tell someone... you said yes to Jesus and trust God to get you to the right house of worship (church) for your needs. It is there that you will be affirmed in your decision.
Go and grow...
The following quotes are from the NIV or NASB versions of the Bible and are listed to assist you in your decision:
2 Corinthians 6:2, "I tell you now is the time of God's salvation."
John 3:7, "You should not be surprised at my saying you must be born again."
John 3:3, "no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again."
Acts 2:21, "And it shall be, that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord {Jesus, my emphasis} shall be saved."
Acts 4:12, "Salvation is found in no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."
Romans 10: 9, "that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you shall be saved. 10 For with your heart man believes, the scripture says,” whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed."
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