Celebrating One Body
Differing Ways of Worship
We celebrate the whole body of Christ realizing it is large and varies in interpretation of Holy Scripture. As Christians we meet under the banner or name of Jesus Christ and all that He accomplished for us in His life, death and resurrection.
If we differ in some points of our faith let us do it, In the Spirit of Love.
Statement of Faith
1. The Holy Bible, both Old and New Testaments, To Be the Inspired and Only Infallible Word of God; the One True God Revealed in Scripture as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
2. The Creation of Man as Good and The Fall of Man from His Original State into Sin separating him
from God, From Which He Has No Power to Redeem or Save Himself.
3. The Deity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, In His Virgin Birth, In His Bodily Resurrection, In His Ascension to The Right Hand of The Father, In The All-Sufficient Atonement By His Blood to Cleanse Anyone Who Believes in Him and Confesses Through Repentance and Faith in Christ Alone.
4. Water Baptism, As Taught in The Scriptures as Identifying The Believer with The Death, Burial, and Resurrection of The Lord Jesus Christ, Bringing Them into Covenant Relationship with the Body of Christ.
5. A Life of Holiness and Separation from The World and Sin, No Longer Serving Them, But Serving The Lord with A Pure Heart; The Baptism in The Holy Spirit as A Separate and Distinct Experience, Subsequent to Salvation, Providing Enduement of Power for Life and Service.
6. The Church as The Body of Christ, A Group Of "Called Out Ones" Chosen to Reveal God's Plan and Purpose in The Earth, And to Be The Local Expression of The Church Functioning According to New Testament Order and Organization.
7.The Manifestation of All Nine Gifts of The Holy Spirit in The Local Assembly, God Dividing The Gifts Amongst The Believers Severally as He Wills.
8. The Laying on Of Hands By The Five-Fold Ministry for Blessing, Dedication, Confirmation, Healing, Ordination, And Impartation of Spiritual Gifts.
9. Individual and Collective Praise and Worship. All Expressions of Praise Recorded in the Old and New Testaments Are Meant for Practice in the Church Today.
10. The Restoration to the Church of All That the Prophets Have Spoken and the Visual, And Bodily Return of Jesus Christ to Set His Kingdom on Earth.
11. The Promise of Eternal Life (with God) For All Those Who Believe on The Lord Jesus Christ and Accept Him as Their Personal Savior and Eternal Damnation (Separation from God) For Those Who Reject Him and Die in Their Sin.
12. The Communion Table is to be Open to All Who Have Embraced Jesus Christ as Savior.
"Foundations of the Christian Faith"
During years of ministry across the body of Christ I have become aware that many need a more ‘Sure Foundation' concerning basic beliefs within the faith. I pray these 12 steps will help to lay a sound biblical foundation in your life.
Reading the Bible is the means of understanding God.
1. In John 3, Jesus explains that we Must be born again in order to understand, enter and participate in the Kingdom of God. John 4 describes the New Birth as a well of salvation springing up to eternal life. Romans 10:8-11, shows us how to be born again. "Whoever believes in Jesus will not be disappointed". (Romans 10:11)
2. John 20:19-23. The Greek word 'breathed" is 'Emphuseo' and is used in Genesis 2:7 in the Septuagint translation and in Ezekiel 37:9. We find the same word in John 20:22 where it means the creative breath of God was breathed into the disciple's spirits, when they were born again. This will also be our experience.
3. Being baptized in water is addressed in Acts 8:5-12, Colossians 2:12, Romans 6:6. Baptism is an outward sign of a burial. It is the funeral service for the carnal, rebellious, old sin nature of mankind, in obedience to Matthew 28:19. It is not required prior to receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit; See Acts 10:44-48. Nevertheless, it is expected, as our first act of obedience to our Lord's command.
4. Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit in John 7. He later gave detailed instruction in John 14, in verses 16-17, in John 15:26, and in Acts 2:33-39. Whereas the Holy Spirit was 'With' the believer, now he is presented as being 'In' that person.
5. In preparation for his departure from earth, Jesus instructed his disciples on the coming of the Holy Spirit in Acts 1:4-5. John the Baptist confirmed that Jesus is the one who will Baptize Us in The Holy Spirit in John 1:32-33.
6. Acts 2:37-39, Preparation for Receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit: Repent: Confess and Turn Away from all sin and wrongdoing, including Cult and Occult Involvement or false teaching, however Innocent. Whether that involvement is at the present or was in the past we are required in Deuteronomy 18, Galatians 5:19-20 to turn away from these things. You must forgive any and all others whether living or dead, who have wronged you, Matthew 6:12, 14, 15. In order for us to be pardoned by our heavenly Father, we must forgive (pardon) others.
7. Ask and you shall receive, Matthew 7:7, Luke 11:13. We are promised that our heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. Ask, believe you are receiving "right now" and tell God that you are surrendering fully to Jesus.
8. The Gift God has promised is the Holy Spirit Himself. Acts 2:33-38
9. Spiritual Gifts are manifestations of the Holy Spirit demonstrated through individual believers for the benefit of all or for specific persons, as the Holy Spirit directs. 1 Corinthians Chapters 12,13,14. These gifts are to be administered in/with love.
10. Tongues are a language you have not learned. You speak sound, the Holy Spirit supernaturally supplies the language. Acts 2:4 You may speak or not speak since speaking is under your control. Acts 8:14-17, Acts 10. Acts 19:1-7, records accounts of tongues and/or
prophecy spoken and heard at the time of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
11. The Word of Wisdom, the Word of Knowledge, Prophecy, Interpretation of Tongues, Faith, Gifts of Healings, Effecting of Miracles and the Discerning of Spirits are nine gifts-manifestations or ways of the Holy Spirit. He directs the use of of them through the cooperation of a believer, in order to accomplish God's will.
12. The receiving of the Holy Spirit is evidenced by vibrant life, a love for the brethren, a desire to share Jesus with others and a love for the word of God. Yes, the Holy Spirit brings us into the Kingdom of God in the New Birth. See John 4:14. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is described in John 7:38-39. John 14,15 and 16 tell of His activities. In Acts Chapter 1 the Holy Spirit empowers us to live the Christian life and to be witnesses around the world. The gifts/manifestation of the Holy Spirit are for the doing of God's will in the earth. The nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit in Galatians 5:22-25 should also be increasingly observed in the maturing believer. The Bible is spiritual food for the Christian and prayer is their communication with God. Make time for both of these, along with healthy relationships with other believers, and you will develop a balanced life.
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